General Information & Prices


17 - 19 January 2025

Friday: 1pm - 7pm
Saturday: 7am - 6pm
Sunday: 8am - 1pm

Important Information

General Information
  • No dogs allowed.
  • Camping is available on site for participants.
  • No food or drink to be sold from swap sites.
  • Kumeu Classic Car and Hot Rod Festival organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to any individual, organization or business.
  • Police and security can and will issue trespass notices, in the best interests of other participants.
  • No cruising the Showgrounds! This includes cars, bicycles, motorbikes (yes even miniature ones), motorized chilly bins etc.
  • Remember this is a family event so please be mindful of your behaviour around our young Hot Rodders.
How to Get There

The Kumeu Classic Car & Hot Rod Festival is held at The Kumeu A & P Showgrounds (Access Rd, Kumeu, Auckland).  To get there just head towards Kumeu, West Auckland via State Highway 16. Traffic can get rather heavy over the weekend so there are a couple of alternative routes:


  1. State Highway 16 then turn left at the Taupaki Roundabout (Taupaki Rd) then follow it along until you reach a T intersection (Taupaki Primary School should be right in front of you) Turn Right (Waitakere Rd).  Follow Waitakere Rd all the way to Kumeu and you should see Public Parking signs.  If you are coming from this direction and will be displaying your car then head to Gate 6 just past the Public Parking entrance.
  2. Alternatively, you can head down Swanson Rd, Turn right onto Waitakere Rd and follow Waitakere Rd all the way to the back of the Showgrounds.

Okay, don’t panic – the event hasn’t banned ‘sleep overs’. It’s just that The Kumeu Classic Car & Hot Rod Festival provides show participants the opportunity to pitch a tent and stay overnight, it’s not a camp site for people who just want to party. By participants they mean Swap Site Holders, Car Clubs, indoor/outdoor Car Display Participants, Food Vendors and Trade Site holders. And a word of advice – if you are planning on camping and decide to have a beer then DO NOT go for a cruise around the showgrounds in your car! You can still be charged with drunk driving!  The Police will be on the grounds in both uniform and civilian clothing during the Festival.  You have been warned!

Bike Parking

Due to circumstances beyond our control motorbikes are no longer allowed within the show grounds.  We have set aside a secure area outside the event for bike parking.  This can be located in the community hall parking lot on Access Road (event entry via the Hall Gate).  Thank you for your understanding.

You’ve found that car part that you have been searching for… Not enough Cash in your pockets?  its okay mate.  We have you covered. This year the show has 2x full EFTPOS cash withdraw facility.  You can find the EFTPOS booths by The Tower at the end of Route 66 and the end of the Show Sheds opposite the Food Court.
Pre Show Setup
Show promoters Ken and Desma Galvin have made some changes to the festival’s set up times to help set-up run smoothly and to encourage participants to stay on-site until we close on Sunday. Car clubs will be admitted to the grounds Thursday, however access will be granted on Wednesday to mark out areas. Clubs are asked to stay for the duration of the festival, and pack up after public closing hours at 1pm on Sunday. Trade and swap sites can set up Thursday, but there is to be no trading (buying or selling) at all on Thursday.